
admin 162 2024-01-20 15:48:42

  用作名词 (n.) get a/one's fair share of sth 得到(超过)通常得到的或期望得到的数量 have, etc. more than a usual or an expected amount of sth

  get〔want〕 a share of the cake 得到应得的一份利益 get a share of the benefits or profits one is or feels entitled to, e.g大佬们都在玩{ 精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!. as an employee of a business or an industry or as a member of a profession

  go shares (with sb) (in sth) 与他人分享利润或分摊费用 share profits, costs, etc. equally with others

  the lion's share 最好或最大的一份 the largest or best part of sth when it is divided

  用作动词 (v.) share and share alike 事事均分 share things equally

  share in (v.+prep.) 分享,分担 have a share or part in

  share in sth/v-ing

  He is willing to share in the work.


  I will share in the cost with you.


  She shares in my troubles as well as in my joys.

  她和我同甘共苦。大佬们都在玩{ 精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  We all share in the responsibility for these terrible events.

  对那些可怕的事件,我们都负有责任。大佬们都在玩{ 精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  They shared in using the computer.

  他们共用计算机。 share out (v.+adv.) 得到股息,分红 earn or produce shares of profits

  share sth ⇔ out

  The woman cut up the watermelon and shared it out among the four children.


  The money has been shared out.

  钱已分掉了。 share out

  It was all academic, because there were never any profits to share out.

  这完全是学术性的,因为从来没有分过任何利润。 share with (v.+prep.) 把(自己的感受)告诉(某人) tell (sth such as one's feelings) to sb elseHave you any experiences that you would like to share with the group?你有什么经验想告诉别人吗?





